Regular Dental Checkups
Olive Branch Family Dentistry offers regular dental check ups to maintain dental health. This is an important part of your health. Regular checkups and cleaning helps keep gums and teeth healthy. Typically dental visits are every 6 months.
What is included in my dental visit?
Normally, there are two parts of a regular dental visit.
1: We do a thorough exam if your teeth and gums. 2: We do a complete cleaning.
- Check for cavities.
- X-rays may be taken to detect cavities
- Check for plaque and tartar that can cause oral disease
- Gums will be checked
- Examination of your tongue
- Removal of plaque & tartar
- Brushing & Polishing
- Flossing
Remember to brush twice a day and floss daily and use mouthwash to prevent plaque buildup. Plaque is always forming on your teeth, however you can manage it yourself at home!
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